Blog Archive

Thursday, 2 May 2024

Marsh Flowers

 I've been on a few great walks round Malham Tarn.  It's an unusual mossy raised bog next to the, also unusual glacial lake, which is one of only eight alkaline lakes in the UK.  The water doesn't sink into the ground because during the ice-age, the glacier scraped away the rock right down to the slate, which is impermeable.  This has created a great habitat for lots of plants you wouldn't really see.  I went early March and could see the lovely moss growing, lots of really interesting lichen around and the beginnings of new growth.  I need to go again, next week probably, so I can check out the progress of these lovely flowers.  

Anyhoo.... I am showing some of the drawings that I have made in response to this place at the Saltaire Arts Trail this weekend.  I shall be in 10 Albert Terrace, Saltaire on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 4/5/6 May.  10-5.   They'll be LONG days so do drop in and chat and maybe have a bit of lemon drizzle cake and a cup of tea.

Last summer the Marsh cinquefoil, Bog asphodel and the Bogbean was in abundance.  There are so many other plants, but you can't draw everything!  This summer I might concentrate on some of the other plants that are there.  

Here is a page or two from my sketchbook. 

And here again is the advert on Instagram for my location:

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