Blog Archive

Monday 4 March 2013

On looking at old drawings: Never throw anything away, as you might use it another day. I have sorted out my plan chest and found old drawings that I find interesting.  I have started some new drawings, but sat down this morning to look at Spirographs again.  Little drawings that I need to do something with. Lots of little ideas I need to build on.
From Wikepedia:  A Spirograph is a geometric drawing toy that produces mathematical roulette curves of the variety technically known as hypotrochoids and epitrochoids. It was developed by British engineer Denys Fisher and first sold in 1965.
I started thinking about Maths.  Maths was always a big part of my life. I couldn't do it.  I hated it and I was scared of it.  Dreading the lessons, sinking into the back of the class, hoping the teacher couldn't see me.  Mostly they couldn't because they stood with their backs to the class, mumbling at the board.  The trouble with maths is that Everything IS Connected! You can imagine how Michael Gove scares me.  I failed in Maths. I couldn't make any connections and nobody was prepared to help me.  They were just purple with rage because I was unable to understand.  

Anyway in later life I am fascinated by the maths department of the Science Museum. I am not pretending to understand it all, but now realised maths is in everything.  When I was young I got the spirograph, and as I have mentioned and blogged, often use it in my work. The beautiful patterns and symmetry that I also see in the flowers that I draw and the magnified images that I am always looking at.   You see, if someone had pointed out to me that the toy I played with alot, was mathematical, maybe I would have been more interested.  Then I just assumed, as Billy Connelly has said, that I was away when they did the B x table. 
Now I am trying to make my peace with the math's god and appeasing her with beautiful drawings of spirographs!                  

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